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Gan Liran - Liran's Garden

Gan Liran/Liran's Garden is the natural playscape at Shir Hadash Early Childhood CenterIt is dedicated to the memory of Israeli soldier, Liran Saadia who fell in service to his country during the second war with Lebanon in 2006.  It expresses the values that Liran lived by.

About Liran Saadia

According to Liran’s mother, he was passionate about the outdoors.  He loved hiking and exploring, and in his hometown of Kiryat Shmonah, a walking trail and vista point are dedicated to his memory.  His family explains the significance of the name Liran: in addition to its meaning, ”my song,” each letter stands for a character trait:  lamed for lechidut (unity), yod for yosher (honesty), resh for re’ut (friendship) and nun for netinah (giving).

Liran lived out the values of community and volunteerism.  It is our hope that the garden that bears his name will inspire us and our children to bring honor to his memory.

Our Garden

Playscape GardenJust as early childhood education is a gateway to the Jewish community, so too is  Liran's Garden is a gateway to joy and discovery.  

Our playscape is designed to allow young children to explore the beauty of the natural world through art, music, and play.  It includes hills and boulders for climbing; a trike track, play huts, a grapevine tunnel, murals, mosaics, musical instruments, water play, fruit trees, vegetable gardens and more. Our playscape was built with the hands and hearts of hundreds of Shir Hadash and community volunteers, from children to elders.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785