Youth Shabbat (for K-6th)
Saturday, April 5, 2025 • 7 Nisan 5785
10:30 AM - 12:15 PMChapelMusic, movement, stories, and song, featuring dynamic musician-in-residence Lior Ben-Hur!
All families in the community with children in Kindergarten through 6th grade are encouraged to register below for Youth Shabbat at Shir Hadash!
For Kinder-3rd Graders:
- Youth Service in the Chapel! Especially for Kinder-3rd, this youth service with musician Lior Ben-Hur brings to life the joy of Shabbat with lively music and movement.
- After the Youth Service, Kinder-3rd graders will enjoy a Kiddush Katan (snack time) and learn about the Parshah (weekly Torah portion) through fun hands-on activities and games.
For 4th-6th Graders:
- Students will will grow toward their Milestones and enjoy a snack and extra Shabbat fun.
We invite you to stay after Youth Shabbat to join Lunch at The Shabbos Table ($12 per Youth, $18 per Adult), which pulls together everyone of all ages for a lovely Shabbat meal together. All ages can relax, connect, and feel the warmth of being refreshed by the happy energy of our Jewish community on Shabbat.
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