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Mitzvah Day!

Sunday, March 30, 2025 1 Nisan 5785

9:45 AM - 12:45 PMShir Hadash Campus

Schedule of the Day:

  • 9:45am - Coffee and Schmooze
  • 10:15am - T'filah in the Sanctuary to sing and kick-off the morning.
  • 10:45am - Mitzvah Project Time - Go register now for your project!
  • 12:45pm - Wrap-up and Clean-up

Please join this community-wide, congregational Mitzvah Day event! Register to volunteer below. We will have several large events that enable us to engage in communal acts of gemilut chasadim (loving kindness), tikkun olam (repairing the world), and shomrei adamah (guarding the earth). Thank you!

Many projects require a co-registering and co-volunteering grown-up to accompany their youth, please check carefully and make sure you are planning to stay and co-volunteer if you choose one of those projects for your youth! Youth who do not have a co-volunteering grown-up must register for a project that allows this AND must be checked-in by their adult at a check-in table.

Pre-Event Volunteering:

  • Thrift Shopping for Baby Clothes for the Loved Twice project.

Available March 30 Projects This Year:

  • Dog Toy Making (all ages welcome, youth without co-registered grown-up are okay) - Create a fleece dog toy.
  • Knitzvah: Blanket Making (all ages welcome, youth without co-registered grown-up are okay) - Create beautiful blankets with Knitzvah.
  • Care Kits for the Unhoused (Homeless) (all ages welcome, youth under age 10 must co-register with their grown-up) - Build high-impact care packages for the unhoused members of our local community.
  • Garden Bed Refurbishing (age 10+ required, youth need a co-registering grown-up to accompany) - Help bring our garden beds back to life.
  • Loaves & Fishes: Sandwich Making (age 12+ only, participants must bring two loaves of bread and a jar of peanut butter to donate) - Work in the Oneg room to make sandwiches for the hungry. In cooperation with Loaves and Fishes for adults and kids 12+ years old. Please bring two loaves of sliced bread and one jar of peanut butter.
  • Paracord Lanyard Making (age 10+, co-registering grown-up required for youth) - Create lanyards for first responders and all who serve. In cooperation with Operation Gratitude.
  • Phone Banking: World Zionist Congress (age 15+ and participants must have a phone) - Support the reform movement in the upcoming WZC elections. Call congregants to remind to register and vote.
  • Passover Greeting Card Making (all ages, youth without co-registering grown-up okay) - Create Passover Cards to be added to the JFS Passover care packages for the elderly.
  • Baby Clothes Sorting (all ages welcome, co-registering grown-up required for youth) - Sort and prepare care packages for newborns in need. In cooperation with Loved Twice.
  • OFFSITE at JFS: Prepare Passover Packages (age 12+ only) - Prepare passover packages for Jewish elderly with Jewish Family Services.

Go register now for your project! We're using SignUp Genius for our Mitzvah Day 2025 Sign-Ups.

Questions? Contact Galit:

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Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785