CLASS: Fair Play & Lost Treasures
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 • 6 Sh'vat 5785
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMChapel6:30pm to 8pm each session.
Register now to join "Fair Play & Lost Treasures" - a new class from Rabbi Nico that will navigate everyday ethics found in the Bava Metzia! Don't miss out on what will be a fascinating discussion and deep exploration.
SESSIONS: This is a four-part class held on Jan 7, Jan 21, Feb 4, and Feb 18!
How would you navigate a dispute over something everyone thinks is theirs? Is returning a lost item always the right thing to do—or is there more to the story? What can ancient teachings reveal about fairness in the way we treat each other today? When you borrow something, where does your responsibility really end?
Bava Metzia, or "The Middle Gate," is the second part of a trio of treatises in Seder Nezikin—the section of the Mishnah that deals with civil law. Unlike its neighbors, Bava Metzia focuses more on everyday issues between people, rather than damages.
We’ll explore topics like disputes over property, lending money, finding and returning lost items, and the responsibilities that come with borrowing, renting, and working. It’s all about how we treat each other fairly and ethically in daily life. #Mishna #BavaMetzia
NOTE: There is no fee for this class but donations are welcome!
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