Bat Mitzvah of Sophia Safadi
Saturday, March 1, 2025 • 1 Adar 5785
10:30 AM - 12:30 PMSanctuaryWe invite you to join us at this Shabbat service, all are welcome. The service will include a sermon from our clergy team and will also include a D'var Torah from Sophia Safadi, who will become a Bat Mitzvah during the service. Let's celebrate together!
About Sophia
Sophia is a spirited and kind girl who loves sports and plays volleyball, basketball, soccer, and flag football at her school. She is learning to play the drums and especially likes it because of the joyful energy she feels when playing. In her spare time Sophia enjoys watching TV shows (particularly Gossip Girls), and hanging out with her friends.
During the summer Sophia loves spending time at the beach. She is in the Junior Guards program where she is a lifeguard in training at this empowering summer training program. She has two dogs, Teddy and Joy. Sophia's Torah Portion is T'rumah and in this portion God gives specific instructions for the building of the Tabernacle.
A Bar/Bat/B'nai Mitzvah is a meaningful and important occasion! Everyone is welcome to attend a B'nai Mitzvah service, which is a communal Shabbat service for all.
- Attend in person! All are welcome.
- Watch the Livestream on the Shir Hadash TV page. If you would like access to a prayerbook while watching virtually, there is the option to purchase and view a digital version of our prayerbook, Mishkan Tefillah.
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