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Bar Mitzvah of Sabian Paul

Saturday, November 23, 2024 22 Cheshvan 5785

10:30 AM - 12:30 PMSanctuary

We invite you to join us at this Shabbat service, all are welcome. The service will include a sermon from our clergy team and will also include a D'var Torah from Sabian Paul, who will become a Bar Mitzvah during the service. Let's celebrate together!

About Sabian

Sabian is a thoughtful and creative student at Kennedy Middle School, where he especially enjoys science; he is fascinated by physics, biology, and astronomy, about which he appreciates the way things interact with each other and that there is always more to learn. In school, Sabian participates in the Spanish Immersion program, which he has been in since Kindergarten; he thinks language-learning can be extremely useful and worthwhile.

In the school band, Sabian plays the xylophone, a fun instrument because it has similar features to a piano, but with a much simpler and hands-on interaction of the two mallets to create the sound. In earlier years in music, Sabian performed as part of the Ragazzi Boys Chorus, including trips to Denver and Eugene for tour performances. Sabian likes hiking/camping, soccer, theater, legos, and imaginative storytelling (such as through writing or role-playing games).

Sabian's Torah portion is Chayei Sarah, which is about the death of Sarah; Abraham purchasing a burial plot; and the creation of mourning and burial practices, which are important Jewish traditions.


Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah is a meaningful and important occasion! Everyone is welcome to attend a B'nai Mitzvah service, which is a communal Shabbat service for all.





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Thu, November 21 2024 20 Cheshvan 5785