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Club 456 (4th - 6th Grades)


This is a special time for these busy students with Kulanu Learning and Kulanu Hebrew and leading up to Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation - that's why it's so important for these students to have a fun way to socialize and grow friendships with enjoyable events.

CLUB 456 (4TH - 6TH GRADE)

All 4th, 5th, and 6th grade members of Shir Hadash are invited to join Club 456! This fun group meets several times during year, usually on Sunday afternoons immediately following Kulanu Learning, though also sometimes on Saturday. Watch for event promotions, or check the calendar to find our next event, or contact Rabbi Walden.

Activities planned included fun events such as:

  • Laser Tag
  • Mini Golf
  • Sukkah Sleepover
  • Movie nights
  • Raging Waters Trip

Get Involved

Club 456 welcomes volunteers and parent support to help plan engaging events for this age group! Please contact Rabbi Walden for more information about how you can get involved.

What Comes Next?

After 6th grade, then  Shir Hadash youth in 7th through 12th grades are invited to participate in our SALTY Youth Group activities.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785