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Choir and Band

Adult Choir

We have a very active adult choir that sings for all our High Holy Day services and on the third Friday of every month from the end of the High Holy Days through June. The choir is also an important part of special holiday and event services such as Shabbat Shirah (The Sabbath of Song) or special composer-in-residence programs, contributing much warmth and beauty to our congregation’s worship experience.

  • Rehearsals are twice a month during the year and weekly during the summer.
  • To become a member of the choir, it is very helpful if you can carry a tune, but one does not necessarily need to read music or be able to read Hebrew.
  • Contact Cantor Felder-Levy today to get involved!

Children's Choir

The Shir Hadash Children’s Choir is composed of interested children in grades K-6. 

  • We sing 2 to 3 times a year at our family services.
  • We also participate in other special events such as our composer-in-residence services, and in the greater community.
  • Rehearsals are on selected Sundays following Kulanu Learning.
  • Contact Cantor Felder-Levy today to get involved!


We offer many opportunities for members of all ages to play musical instruments. Teens and adults who play musical instruments can work with the cantor and find a way to participate in our Shabbat with the Band services. Often these services include guitar, bass, drums, and other instrument accompaniment. Contact Cantor Felder-Levy today to get involved!

Our Kulanu Learning electives program is driven by youth interests in a particular year. In some years, an elective of Youth Band is enjoyed by our students! 

Music Education

We offer multiple ways to become familiar with the songs we love.  For example:

  • Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy will set a time to teach new members some of Shir Hadash’s favorite songs.
  • CDs or mp3's are given to our Kulanu Hebrew and b’nai mitzvah students with some of the liturgical music selections of a typical Friday night or Saturday morning service.
  • The cantor will, on request, make extra CDs or send mp3's to help one feel more comfortable at services.
  • We offer occasional classes such as a class on cantillation (how to chant Torah, Haftarah, or even Megillat Esther) as well as courses on synagogue music.

kulanu learning Music

We believe strongly in including music as a part of our curriculum at Congregation Shir Hadash. 

Our children learn the songs that:

  • relate to the curriculum they are learning in class.
  • are popular songs in the Reform movement.
  • will help them feel comfortable participating in services.
Mon, July 15 2024 9 Tammuz 5784