Board of Directors
Meet Our Board
One of the founding principles of Shir Hadash is being an open, participatory and democratic organization. Our current leadership structure and method of operation still reflect those ideals. We are strengthened when the diversity on our board grows - we encourage newer members and longtime members alike to consider leadership roles.
The Shir Hadash Board welcomes your input! We have twice-yearly congregational meetings where we actively request your participation and input, plus our ears are open year-round and we welcome your feedback, suggestions, and input at any time - please reach out to us. Check the calendar or email our President to find out when the next congregational meeting will be held.
The Congregation operates under a set of bylaws and is governed by an elected Board of Directors:
President | Jodi Muirhead |
President-Elect | Stuart Katzman |
Vice President, Administration | Matt Brunnings |
Vice President, Youth & Family Engagement | Maya Kochman |
Vice President, Philanthropy | Trista Bernstein |
Secretary | Mollie Guerrero |
Treasurer | Sheldon Gilbert |
CSH in the World | Galit Lipsitz Goldenthal |
Ritual | Diane Fisher |
Adult Education | Julee Ogawa |
Member-at-large, Membership Engagement | Vacant |
Member-at-large, Membership Recruitment | Rachael Huck |
Member-at-large, Preschool | Nazgol Ashouri |
Member-at-large, Men's Club | Jack Friedman |
Member-at-large, Shir Hadash Women | Denise Beagle |
Member-at-large, Legal | Miriam Brody |
Senior Rabbi (non-voting member) | Nico Socolovsky |
Cantor (non-voting member) | Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy |
Assistant Rabbi (non-voting member) | Rabbi Michael Walden |
Executive Director (non-voting member) | Shanda Witkin |
We pride ourselves in working to ensure that our board is composed of newer members with fresh ideas and enthusiasm, combined with longtime members bringing decades of experience and history. With a board leadership mixture reflecting many viewpoints then the board is best able to work toward the betterment of the entire Shir Hadash community.