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Meaningful & musical: looking forward to Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz in February!

12/27/2023 11:00:41 AM


Cantor @ Shir Hadash

Imagine sitting in a room with over 200 people. One person begins to sing a niggun (wordless melody) and slowly the room begins to fill with song, each person adding their own voice. Voices upon voices, layers and layers of both the melody and the harmony. The niggun goes on for a while building to a crescendo and then coming down to almost a whisper. And then silence.

This is what I experienced when I attended Hadar’s Rising Song Intensive in December 2022. The person who began the niggun was Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz, our scholar-in-residence on the upcoming weekend of February 9 & 10, 2024.

During the December 2022 4-day intensive, I found Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz to be an incredible teacher, so much so that I also chose to study with her during a recent online class prior to the High Holy Days.

I invite you to listen to some of her music, through youtube, spotify or itunes. Learn more about Deborah's work at www.deborahsacksmintz.comHer music is introspective, spiritually uplifting and joyous. Join us as we merge all of our voices together with melody and with harmony!

Our upcoming events featuring the incredible music of scholar-in-residence Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz include:

Tue, July 16 2024 10 Tammuz 5784