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Second Harvest Food Bank - October Success!

11/15/2023 09:44:17 AM


We’re proud of our JET teens and families! Check out the Second Harvest food bank photos (below) of our teens embodying the value of Social Responsibility as they participate in Tikkun Olam (acts of repairing the world). On our 10/24 JET in ACTION night we packed 13 pallets of 50 boxes per pallet, which fed 3,200 people in Santa Clara County that week!

Team yellow squash, broccoli, apples, and plums:

Team carrots, cabbages, and honeydew melons:

Team celery and box prep:

Group photo:

This year in our JET program Rabbi Michael has woven in a JET in ACTION opportunity each month so that teens can have consistent opportunities for Social Responsibility across the year - learning through hands-on action.

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